You should carry out your final inspection the day of settlement if possible. The closer to the time of settlement the better. In Australia, different states have different legislation around when the pre-settlement inspection can be conducted.
Some sale contracts will allow buyers to carry out a final inspection of a home on the day of settlement. This inspection is to make sure the home is in the same condition as when contracts were exchanged.

During the final inspection before settlement in NSW, purchasers can check the following:
The condition of the property
Has the house been vacated properly?
If all fixtures are in place
Has the vendor met all contract obligations dutifully? Like repainting or repair work that was required to take place.
When carrying out your final inspection you should also check the following:
Exterior Doors
Windows (sliding and locking)
Wet Areas
Electrical plug sockets
The house is required to be in the same condition as when you entered into the Contract. This means if you didn't confirm everything was working at the time of Contract, it is very difficult to raise issues at the time of the final inspection. This is where pre purchase inspection reports are critical, but that's for another blog post !